Featured Events

Keep Memory Alive
Power of Love
Secured sponsorship and managed partner activations at Power of Love Gala 2013-2016
Developed on-site promotional campaign for sponsors and managed celebrity content and PSA’s
Curated partnerships with HARMAN, ThinOptics, Cartier, Nieman Marcus and more

Devised strategy, secured sponsorship and integrated multiple partners for Annual and Year-Round events in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
Managed and coordinated sponsorship initiatives and partnerships with Heineken, Pepsi, Musical.ly, and Freixenet Champagne
Total Visibility & Reach: 3M Site Visitors, 20M Twitter Impressions, 380M+ Press Impressions, 73,000 Press Social Shares, 82k Unique Monthly Visitors, 116+ Live Stream Viewers, 3.5M Social Votes

Stella Artois
Le Savoir
Developed strategy and integrated marketing concept
Secured strategic partners, managed and assisted with the execution of communication, content, and public relations elements